- "Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures."
My older son took an Art class this past week and really learned a lot. The class was not about finger paints and playing with clay (which I think I would have enjoyed!), but rather an intensive art class for his age level. There were 5 students that spent 2 and half hours each day learning about shading, perspective, how to mix colors, how to work with oil sticks, charcoal and watercolor.
Here is a photo of my son on the last day of class (looking less than thrilled that I brought my camera), and his teachers.
The class was held at a local Art gallery Spotlight Gallery
and his teachers were professional artists who sell through this gallery:Anne

and Joyce.
According to my son, one teacher was carefree and wanted you to have your own style and the other was a little more strict in her thoughts on art and how it should be taught. So, it sounds like they made a balanced team!
They studied trees and drew landscapes~ keeping detail and depth in mind, they drew from a still life and they drew live subjects,~ other members of the class as well as the teachers. So they had a varied range of experience in drawing this week. Each drawing then was used in a painting. The one he was most proud of is his watercolor...(something he needs to teach me to do! I've never tried it.)

The last day of the class they worked on shading and each student and teacher took at turn as the model again. The teachers drew a shading of each student, so they each had a professional portrait to take home.
He really enjoyed his week and would like to take another one!...maybe there will be a parent /child class we could take together!
Suzanne, I'm so glad Ethan enjoyed his lessons. I love his watercolor too ~ the mountains and water are so vibrant! Please tell him he did a great job!
Suzanne, tell him that his watercolor is quite wonderful! Very good! I'm glad he enjoyed his class so much. A parent/child class would be fun wouldn't it. I'd love to do one with my daughter too!
He did GREAT Suzanne~ you must be sooo PROUD of him! How TOTALLY awsome that would be to get to take a class together the both of you~ bet you would each learn something from each other too!
Suzanne, it is good that your son has taken an interest in the arts. His watercolor is brilliant!
It sounds like Ethan had a great time! Yes, please tell him I love his watercolor! What a great idea!
The watercolor is great, Ethan must have inherited his mom's talent!!
Tell him I love his painting!
Looks like the paintbrush didn't fall too far from the easel.
Suzanne, he did a wonderful job on that watercolor! I'm impressed wtih his talent (and lovely use of color!). I'm glad that he was able to learn so much in such a short time...sounds like a wonderful teaching team.
(My sons just *love* my camera, too....they thought I'd lost it when I started taking photos of their food! :)
Have a wonderful holiday,
Very talented young man you have there.
Like Mother like Son! Talented family you have miss Suzanne!
Ethan's watercolor is beautiful....and I'm glad that he enjoyed his class! Sometimes we don't always agree with our teachers, but it's always nice to get a different perspective on things I think.
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