(I'll post photos later in the week, my camera died on Saturday. I guess that was another "unexpected surprise" too!..but not a fun one.)
He also surprised me with a new toilet. I know that may not be the most exciting news to some, and it's not suppose to make a girl's heart go

(sorry to put these two surprises in the same post...
but they were both "Unexpected"!)
And on Saturday, the mailman knocked on my door and handed me a mailing tube. I thought to myself, "Hmmm, I didn't order anything. What could this be?" After reading the mailing label, I knew it was for me, but I still didn't remember ordering anything! I opened it and inside was the very special gift from a very sweet person. This was so unexpected and thoughtful of her, I had to call her right away and thank her!(sorry to put these two surprises in the same post...
but they were both "Unexpected"!)
What a generous thing for her to do! Elaine sent me a print of The Hobby Horse, Unknown Artist, (© 1840).

To me this was almost like visiting the American Folk Art Museum, and staying in the 18th and 19th century drawings and paintings wing until they kicked me out! I would love to see primitive portraits in person someday. But, now I have a print of an original for my home! And to see the detail in this painting is amazing. Thank you Elaine!
Wow. a BRAND new loo & a lovely print!! What a GREAT weekend Suzanne!!
thanks for sharing
Well Suzanne, a brand new out of the box toilet would make my heart skip a beat I believe. Your remodeling is looking great! I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product!
How sweet of Elaine to send that beautiful print to you!
See? Brand spanking new loos are in fact the way to a girl's heart.
That is a VST (very special toilet :) says the woman who's husband woke her up early this Monday morning with "We Have A Problem"...and the toilet, clean-out valve and waterlogged floors were involved...
I'm hoping the week gets much better very fast...
Suzanne, I can absolutely understand your excitement over that brand new toilet!!
I love the print. Beautiful!
Suzanne, I had to laugh at the "new toilet" post! WE got one too for our bathroom remodel and I had to giggle at telling friends and family that I was so happy to have a new toilet! LOL
They were kidding me that I really needed to get out more and not spend so much time breathing wool dust if being delighted over a toilet was the best I could do!
Enjoy it!!! : )
I'm headin' back to the rug hooking!
Ooooh Suzanne, I know what you mean about getting an "unused" toilet...I was lucky to get one when we remodeled a few years ago! Ugh the things we get all happy 'bout ---hehehe
Sounds like your remodeling is coming right along! That was very sweet of Elaine to send you that lovely print! Two great unexpected surprises - what a grea weekend you had!
Thanks everyone for understanding how I feel about my new toilet! lol A rather undignified topic to post on your blog, but Oh! I am so excited!
Aww, Mrs. G, so sorry to hear of your plumbing woes...not the sort of "unexpected surprises" you want to learn about. Hope your week improves.
AND the print from Elaine was so very thoughtful, I feel spoiled! :)
And a handsome toilet it is too. Love the detail at the base.
Reading all the comments was a hoot.
Our menfolk really don't know what makes our hearts a-flutter. They always thought it was flowers and candy!
Suzanne, a brand new toilet is nothing to sneeze at!lol
Your remodeling is starting to take shape...can't wait for the final "reveal"!
Isn't Elaine a sweetie! :) Your brand new toilet is a treasure too!!
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