After a few weeks...(okay, 2 weeks, 3 days, 4 hours and 57 minutes), but whose counting?..the shower is done!! Here are some photos (sorry, "white" is a little difficult to see and photograph).
Now that the shower, tub surround with trim, floor (see photo) and

sink. And that might take a few more weeks because my husband will be building a dry sink/cabinet for our bathroom vanity, but it will be worth the wait!
~*~*~*~*~*~Little Announcement~*~*~*~*~*~
Please check in this Wednesday, August 1st. I will be hosting a "Pear Tree Primitives Gift-Away" starting on that day to celebrate the opening?, launching? (that sounds dangerous, lol) of my website, and will give you more info. on Wednesday!
Hooray!!! You can shower!! And I can't wait to see your goodies!! congrats on the website!
Suzanne ~ that dry sink will be the finishing touch to a beautiful new bathroom!
I'll be back to enter that giveaway too!
Suzanne!!! How exciting!!! I am so happy your shower is done, but the launch of your website it most exciting!! I can't wait!
Suzanne, you're almost done! Can't wait to see the dry sink your hubby is building. You're going to have one amazing bathroom!
Well, I will definitely check back on Wednesday. You must be so excited to be launching your website!
How you are going to delight in this lovely new space. It will even be a joy to clean, right?
Congratulations to the Builder Guy and you. It is a truly beautiful accomplishment.
And running water in all the right places is bliss!
Suzanne.......can't wait to see the website, too exciting!
The bathroom is looking good.......
Very nice shower Suzanne! You guys are almost done.....I bet you are excited!
Congratulations! And watch where you launch that website...you could put someone's eye out.
The bathroom looks fab.
The new bathroom is looking fabulous!! I will be sure to check back in a couple of days for your big surprise!! I'm on pins and needles!
Hooray!! How exciting, this news of your own website. Congratulations, Suzanne.
I can't wait to visit it...and see it full of your beautiful work.
Excited for you,
welll, can I tell you I just love the way your bathroom is shaping up :)
Great job!
I'm looking forward to your website!
I came across your shower while researching options for my own. Can you tell me if it has been tricky to clean? And how has it held up?
Hi Shannon~ thank you for your comment. I hope you see my reply here. After six years, the shower is still beautiful! It takes very little cleaning...I thought I would have to scrub the grooves in the beadboard, but that isn't the case. We aren't very good at remembering to wipe down the shower walls when we've finished taking a shower, and that hasn't been an issue with cleaning it either. I just use Clorox spray and leave it on for a few minutes, then wipe it with an eraser sponge and rinse! If you'd like more info on the product, just send me your email (mine is on the sidebar).
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