It has been a long week of bathroom remodeling and along with that comes frustration when plumbing doesn't go as planned. But, as home improvement plumbing jobs go, we've been blessed with few complications....so far!
My sweet husband has tried to find everything on my wish list for this bathroom and has made a shelving unit (with a bead board back) that will be inserted into the shower tub surround.

He also surprised me with a bead board product he found for the tub surround!! I can't tell you how excited I am about this! (and yes, I won't even mind cleaning all those groves!) We have been checking, researching, and pricing all sorts of materials for a tub surround and I had my heart set on bead board (at a reasonable costs), and this is the perfect thing!
So, next will be the flooring (ready and waiting in the garage) and then putting in the tub, wallboard and tub surround.... hopefully all this weekend...it sounds so "easy" when I type it out! :)
'Tis looking nifty. Hats off (hard of course) to The Man With The Tools.
"Zounds!" said your SIL, "Those insert thingys are cool. We did one when we tiled around our tub and I truly love it".
Thanks for the update, I've been wondering how it was progressing. I love beadboard! I've seen pictures of magazines where the bathtub had a beadboad surround and I really like that look. I remember one picture where it was painted black and it looked stunning! I guess you'll have to use a marine sealer or is it a type specifically made for this application? I'm sure your happy that it's progressing!
Thanks Nana and Lorraine, yes "The Man with the Tools" is doing a great job!
Manuela, I LOVE the bead board look too. This product is made for this, so it doesn't need a sealant. I've used that marine sealer before to seal a faux granite fireplace and thought I was going to pass out from the odor!
Can't wait to see it when it's all done!!:o)
I love that insert. Beadboard is a favorite of mine! Looking forward to more progress photos!
I too am dreaming of a beadboard shower enclosure. What product did you find?
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