Sweet Lidy of Tales from a Little French Garden House
who has a new advertisement in the latest edition of Romantic Homes...so look for her in your copy! and has a lovely website filled with wonderful treasures for your home: French Garden House has given me a "teeny tiny tag".
I'm to open the book that is closest to me and turn to page 28 and copy the 3rd paragraph. Well, the "only" book near me (besides the cookbooks in the kitchen cupboard) is a old hymnal. It sits on my desk because it has a beautiful, yet worn, cover and it looks nice sitting next to my pear!
This hymnal is from my husband's collection. By profession, he is the music director at our church and one of his interests in old hymnals. He has quite a collection and even has one

Unfortunately,this hymnal"Evangelical Hymns", is missing the copyright page, but seems very well-loved. I'm going to take certain liberties with the tag because page 28 in this hymnal is the beginning of a section and doesn't have wording. Also, since this is a hymnal, it doesn't have paragraphs, so I will copy a stanza instead.
So, here is page 31 (next hymn in the hymnal and stanza 3...this must have been a favorite of the previous owners, because it was bookmarked with a clover leaf).

"Beyond, beyond that boundless sea,
Above that dome of sky,
Farther than thought itself can flee,
Thy dwelling is on high.
These speak of thee with loud acclaim;
They thunder forth thy praise--
The glorious honor of thy name,
The wonders of thy ways." Conder
For this "teeny tiny tag", I tag Lana of Honeysuckle Lane's Simple Joys.
and Andrea of Southern Heart.

Suzanne, thank you for the teeny tiny tag! I'm glad you had the hymnal at hand ~ the words of long ago are much more soothing and beautiful than what we use nowadays (imho!).
"Farther than thought itself can flee"..I really like that line.
The old hymns are like gold...
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