A few posts ago, I showed a photo of some paintings I wanted to complete. In one of the photos was a drawing I had finished. It was my interpretation and compilation of several photos of antique Izannah Walker dolls that Dixie Redmond kindly let me peek at from her collected images. You can see those
HERE.My fingers are a little sticky, but I'll try to not make any mistakes as I type. Just remember as you read on, that I played with glue and Mod Podge this weekend.
And I have to give kudos to those of you who work in "Mixed Media"....I need a lot more practice with Aleene's Tacky Glue, especially the one with the brush attached!Sticky fingers not with standing, and since my middle name is "trial and error", I thought I'd take you through my first
"mixed media" -trial and error- project!
First step: The easy part, I painted her. Although I still have some little touches and details to paint on her dress, etc., but the painting part is almost done. Oh, and I painted her on something I haven't tried before, it is called a
Cradled Painting Board.Second Step: Here is where my "great idea" turned into glue all over my fingers, and on the kitchen table! I thought it would be pretty to put "wallpaper" behind her for dimension and texture.

So, I traced her outline onto some pretty vintage rose paper, and cut it out with an Xacto knife. That part went fine, but I must have not had the rose paper lined up accurately under the carbon paper, so I traced and cut it out a little lopsided! :)

So, on to Plan B....
Third Step/ Plan B: After my "wallpaper" didn't go on straight, I had to think of a way to camouflage my boo-boo.
*How many times has that phrase been said by do-it-yourself homeowners?!*Ding Ding: Idea! She needed to sit on a shelf! So I used decorative edge scissors and cut a scalloped edge for the shelf, then took out the glue/ Mod Podge mixture* once again, and glued the "shelf" onto the painting. This time with minimal glue on my fingers!
*hmmmmm?, this little scientific experiment I concocted could be the reason my fingers are still sticky!

Now, all she needs is the bottom of the shelf painted so she can sit without looking as if she is floating in air.When she is finished, I'll post a completed photo. But now I need to go peel, no WASH the glue off of my fingers, table, hair, clothes, the dog.......