Well, it's been awhile, huh? About a month actually, and during that time our family has experienced birthday celebrations, anniversaries, weddings, travel, visits to see family, and family visits to see us, a state fair, and yesterday we experienced loss.

Yesterday was a difficult day for us. I'm typing through my tears as I tell you that we had to say goodbye to our Roscoe. If you haven't visited my blog before, let me tell you a little about our sweet pup. He was a miniature schnauzer who was the "runt" of the litter.

Roscoe was a part of our family. He was with us for almost 12 years. My aunt and uncle gave him to us when he was 8 weeks old and he took a plane ride from TX to AZ (where we were living at the time), to come and live with us. He was such a cute puppy and had a beautiful face.....still kept his good looks throughout his life too. :) Our boys were thrilled to have a new puppy those many years ago. Our youngest was 3 and our oldest was almost 6 when Roscoe became a family member. They are now 15 and 18, so the boys have grown up with him.

So, when we took him into the vet on Monday because he was having difficulty breathing....(we were thinking he had a cold or bronchitis, etc.), after many tests and blood work, the doctors diagnosed him with congestive heart failure . We had to make a very difficult decision....what was best for Roscoe? The prognosis wasn't good. What would be his quality of life on oxygen and medication for the short time they predicted his life expectancy? It was a hard life lesson for our boys and for the parents as well.
(taken about 5 years ago~both boys are almost as tall as my husband now....Roscoe loved to travel with us.)

We said our goodbyes to our sweet puppy, and now we will have to adjust to life without Roscoe....it is especially difficult for my boys who both have different ways of processing their grief because of their developmental disabilities. So, if you've ever loved a pet, I'm sure you understand our sadness.

Thank you Roscoe for loving us, and letting us love you. You were a precious part of our family. We will miss you. As my husband said yesterday, "You were a gift."
Roscoe Davis
I am so sorry and I share your grief. I lost a precious long time Kitty yesterday. He was our little Honey Monkey. It must have been a day for God to call home some of his most precious angels. Your baby was so sweet and precious and my heart goes out to you and your family. Please take care.
Beautifully written and indeed punctuated with tears.
Love the photo diary of your other family member only with fur on.
Blessings and comforts be yours.
Lovely post. Have had to do the same thing, on more than one occasion, from dogs, to cats, even pet goats.
Hugs to you all.
Oh Suzanne! I am so very sorry! Now that we have a dog, I can truly relate! He's lived with us less than a month and already I can't imagine our home without him... I've enjoyed the Roscoe pictures and stories and am so sorry for your loss. Sending big hugs to you and your family!
Blessings, Patti
Dear Suzanne
My heart and prayers are with you and your family. It is a hard thing to have to face.
I lost my 13 year old girl Lili last December and I still miss her and grieve for her.
Your sweet boy is in a beautiful happy place and you will see him again someday. I know Lili will be waiting for me and that is a huge comfort to my spirit.
He was a beautiful puppy!
Tina xo
I'm so sorry Suzanne. It is so hard to say goodbye to our faithful friends. We had to put our 15 year old cocker spaniel to sleep 2 years ago, and it was the hardest goodbye. When they have been members of the family for so long, it seems so strange with out them doesn't it. I hope that your sweet boys adjust alright with this loss. (they are handsome young men, bye the way)
Roscoe was such a doll!
Sending you big hugs...
Oh no I'm so sorry!! I loved Roscoe. He was the BEST DOG EVER. I am just so bummed for you guys. :( Hugs and hugs and more hugs to all of you. Roscoe will be very missed.
I'm sorry for theloss of your beloved Roscoe. I had to say goodbye to my beloved Sasha( a lhasa apso) 6 years ago after 15 years...it was one of the hardest things I EVER did. She was the BEST........we got a new shih-tzu puppy a few days later from a pet store (BIG mistake)who ended up being very sick and died a week later........it was awful....I now have Colby a shih-tzu who is 6............our pets are so much a part of our family..it is never easy to have to say good bye to them......my thoughts are with you you.
RIP Roscoe
My deepest sympathies Suzanne for the passing of your beloved little friend.
Susan x
Suzanne, I am so sorry about Roscoe ~ he was such an adorable and faithful friend! I especially liked the photo of him in his Santa hat that you shared some time ago. You and your family have been in my prayers. (((hugs to you)))
Suzanne, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved Roscoe.
How blessed he was to have you and your family to love him so, I am sure he love you more because of it.
Thinking of all you,
I'm so sorry Susan,
Thinking of you and your family.
Lori Ann
oh Suzanne, I'm so very sorry about Roscoe. If there's any comfort to be found, I guess it's in the memories....and in knowing what a wonderful life you gave your sweet Roscoe and what joy he brought to your family.
again, i'm so sorry, and I hope the boys are doing OK.
Oh my gosh, Suzanne, this is just plain weird.... Our dog Daisy died last Tuesday also. We took her to the vet on Sunday and Tuesday she was gone... she was also born in 1999 and grew up with my kids... It has been devastating for us, I wrote a post through my tears on Wednesday also... I know EXACTLY what you are going through... your family is in my prayers.
I will say prayers that you all get through this, I"m so sorry. It's amazing how much a part of our family they become. Now he is an angel looking over you all, protecting you from above.
Ohh Suzanne, IM so sorry~ Dear Roscoe~ you all gave him such a good life, and a lifetime of good memories to keep you company now Blessings to all~ xoxoxo rachael
Hi Suzanne, Sorry to hear about your little Roscoe! We have a Schnauzer (adopted him from Kristy) so I understand your love for them! I understand anybody's love for a pet! Thinking of your family at this time! Kim
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