Tonight is the night for the debut of the new selling site:
Thank you all for the well wishes for our new endeavor! We are so excited to work together and offer our creations and interpretations of the past, and more specifically, share our love for Early American art. So, if you are not on one of our email lists, and would like to be informed of the updates, please contact either Lana, or me:
Lana~ lanamanis@gmail.com
Suzanne- peartreeprimitives@yahoo.com
We are planning updates every 3 months or so, and are already excited about planning for the next one! Please join us at 8 PM Eastern tonight!

This month, To Dwell in Primitive Thymes Mercantile is having a theme: "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas". The artists are offering items in cream and white hues. Please click the link to view all of the wonderful offerings! And be sure to follow the link to the TDIPT blog to sign up for the mailing list and a chance to win prizes and a gift certificate!
Here are my offerings for the update:
~ Snow Globe

Suzanne, congrats on your new site...just checked it out and it is wonderful. : )
Congrats to you and Lana on your new endeavor! Both of your Top Notch Art completely compliments the other. You are both very talented.
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