Autumn LeavesLeaves are floating softly down;
Some are red and some are brown.
The wind goes swish through the air;
And when you look back, there are no leaves there. (Author Unknown)

You'll have to indulge me a little....I love fall! (Yes, even the raking and bagging part).
We lived in AZ for nine years before we made our way back to the NW, and during those 9 years, we really missed having seasons! My sweet sis-in-law would send our boys a box of leaves every fall. We would open it in the backyard and the boys would take turns jumping on them, lol! The boys aren't as excited about the leaves now that they are older and are asked to help with the raking, however!
We were waiting for a break in our rainy weather to do our raking. This Saturday the drizzle stopped long enough for us to make our leaf mounds, (....and circles ☺)!
The LeavesThe leaves had a wonderful frolic.
They danced to the wind's loud song.
They whirled, and they floated, and scampered.
They circled and flew along.
The moon saw the little leaves dancing.
Each looked like a small brown bird.
The man in the moon smiled and listened.
And this is the song he heard.
The North Wind is calling, is calling,
And we must whirl round and round,
And then, when our dancing is ended,
We'll make a warm quilt for the ground. (Anonymous)

My husband took the photo of the rain droplets on the pear tree limbs. The pear tree leaves are falling, but not as quickly as the maple and elm in the backyard!