
Thursday, May 1, 2008

"Passed" Painter~ Revisited...Again!

Well, you may be tired of me mentioning itinerant painter Ammi Phillips yet AGAIN!....but, I do enjoy studying his paintings and seeing how his artistic style developed over his career. I'm not well-versed enough to be able to say, "Well, that painting looks as if Ammi painted it between the years 18__to 18__.", and I probably never will, but I believe a progression of skill can be seen in his paintings. I suppose Ammi is an example of how "practice makes better".
I would think that is the hope of every endeavor of life, be it artistic, or otherwise...that you are able to see a "progression of skills" or growth in your work. (I look back on photos of some of my earlier paintings and my first thought is, "What was I thinking?")!


Ok, on with "not-so-philosophical" thoughts! The reason I bring up Ammi again is that I've just completed a portrait for TDIPT for this month of May. This new portrait is my interpretation of his portrait of "Mary Elizabeth Smith" © 1827. Two years later, Ammi used the same setting to repaint another little girl in almost the same dress and chair, and called her "The Strawberry Girl" © 1830.

I used both of these paintings as references for my own. My little strawberry girl doesn't have a red necklace.....but she isn't sealed yet, so?????, maybe I'll add it later, I just couldn't decide!

I'm also offering a painted silhouette of a small child and a horse pull toy. This painting is reminiscent of the profilist Merryweather's original 1850's papercutting. Please click the links below to visit these offerings and many others by some very talented artists on TDIPT.


Lana Manis said...

Strawberry Girl is adorable! I love her dress. And oh... the silhouette! They are so simple yet really make a statement on a wall. I guess I'll have to collect a few more PTP silhouettes to go with what I already own.

Ruth Welter said...

I love all your posts Suzanne, you always talk about the most fascinating artistic facts and interesting tidbits. I think Strawberry Girl is wonderful and my favorite though, is your silhoutte, I love them, when I see them, they truly inspire me. I would really like to give them a whirl someday.

Isn't it true for all of us, hopefully our practice does make better. We should all enjoy the process of each special piece we create.

Cookie said...

hot dawg... i'm still a quaint folk!

and your offerings this month are absolutely beautiful Suzanne. Why couldn't I be born beautiful AND rich ??


Anonymous said...

I do love your silhouettes! Strawberry Girls is just wonderful too!


Susan McShannon-Monteith said...

Your sweet little Miss is most becoming in her dainty white dress.Sweet as a juicy, ripe strawberry!
From a quaint fan of yours Happy May Day too!
xo Susan

kattz*cottage said...

Hi Suzanne!
I LOVE her! Strawberry Girl is SO sweet & adorable! The silhouette is wonderful too ~~~ I'm still always so amazed by your talent & all of your art subjects are so interesting to read about!


Cathy ~ Tadpoles and Teacups said...

What sweet, sweet little girls and their dolls.

Love them!

Farmhouse Primitives said...

I'm a great fan of your work. I just love your art. And I'm also enjoying your blog!!!

Tracey said...

I find it fascinating how an artist can develop their skills over time.