Somehow I've missed a whole week of blog posting. The week flew by, or rather it was a busy week, and we (the family) went along for the ride. So, I haven't had a chance to gather thoughts for a post.
("Gathering thoughts"~ not an easy task when all of your thoughts are scattered here and there.)
So, if you choose to read on be forewarned, you are in for a rambling post! I'll try and tie it all together with a theme, uh......how about flowers?

Spring finally came to Boise! And even though "they" are telling us not to plant our gardens until after June 1st!, at least the flowers decided they were ready to bloom; and everything else is green again.
The lilac trees, (aka: formally neglected bushes), along our fence are gorgeous and *Sniff* smell wonderful! We inherited a row of lilacs when we moved into our home almost three years ago. (Roscoe is standing guard on the right!).
They now grow a little taller than the not-so-attractive cyclone fence we also inherited. A wood fence is on the list for the ever-growing remodeling projects, and since last summer's project of the bathroom remodel has been checked off, I'm hoping a fence might be making it's way to the top of that list. (Maybe I can help it find it's way to the top?!)

Ok, back to flowers....must stay focused. The home school year is winding down and we are able concentrate on just a few subjects that need completing. My youngest has a unit in Literature to finish and he needed to go to the library to find a book he chose to read.
When we arrived at the library we discovered that they were having a Book Fair! He found his book at the Book Fair so now he can read it and keep it. And I found a few goodies too!
Oh, and they were books with paintings and photos of flowers for inspiration for my new love.....no, it's not that...I have enough men in my life!

During my busy week I took some time out of it to try a new medium for me....watercolor. I usually paint with acrylics because they dry quickly, and I've also painted portraits with oils. But I've not tried watercolors....and I have found a new love!! So, because it is spring, and the flowers are blooming, and I have new books for inspiration, I've sketched and painted a few flora and fauna paintings.
These papers will be compiled into a booklet as a lady's journal....more on that next week.
And now back to flowers, well, gardens. If the weather cooperates, we'll be out in the yard this weekend finishing the raised beds for the veggie garden. Not sure we'll be able to wait until June 1st to plant though!
Have a great Mother's Day weekend!
Hello Suzanne. Your lilac bushes are beautiful. Our's have not bloomed just yet..they are almost there though.
Your watercolor painting are lovely. I am amazed they are the result of something new....you did a wonderful job. I can't wait to see what you do with them.
Smiles & Blessings,
Your watercolors are remarkable!
That lilac hedgerow is beautiful! I have but one lilac. Your lady's journal is going to be enchanting. I'm delighted that your little man procured a book all to himself.
Have fun this weekend!
Suzanne I love the watercolors!
Hope you are having a lovely weekend.
Happy Mothers Day!
Your Lilacs are incredible! I bet you love that delicious scent! Your artwork is wonderful!
smiles from Texas! :)Mendy
Suzanne, The watercolors are just perfect! You seem to be able to master anything that you take up! They remind me of Edith Holden's "Country Diary" and "Nature Notes" - two of my favorite books. Can't wait to see more of your beautiful watercolors!
I love the lilacs too - I bet it smells fabulous. We are putting in three lilacs this month - two late for this year, but I will be prepared for next! In the meantime, I think I will sneak down the alley tonight and trim a few branches hanging over the fences (shhhh!) Happy Mothers Day! Patti G
You must, must keep doing the watercolors!! They are wondeful.
Have blessed Mother's Day too.
And I can't spell "wonderful".
You tied your theme together very nicely Suzanne! I can hardly wait to see the ladies journal ~ your watercolors are beautiful!
Suzanne, gorgeous Lilac trees and wow, your watercolors look great..I think my favorite is your dragonfly. They are fun aren't they?? Ow, try them on yupo paper, masonite board and canvas too...fun, fun , fun. Enjoy and keep painting.
Hi Suzanne!
Don't you just love the scent of Lilacs? I just planted my first one at this home and evny the beautiful ones you have.
I LOVE your watercolors! Especially the dragonfly...they are all amazing!
Thanks everyone! Yes, the lilacs are very fragrant! You can just step into the backyard and take a deep breath to smell them, without walking up to a bloom.
I really am liking watercolors. But there is no "fudging", if paint runs outside the drawing, or your brush slips, there isn't any "fixing", or at least I haven't figured out how to fix it yet!
Patti, I have Edith Holden's "Country Diary" too! I looked at it for inspiration as well...I just couldn't get mine to look as transparent and muted as hers.
Thanks Ruth...I'll have to research Yupo paper. That sounds interesting.
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