Miss Lorraine of
PieCake Primitives tagged me for a six-word memoir this week, and it was one I had to think about!
Here's mine:
~Life's Unexpected Challenges Bring Unexpected Gifts~
Both of my boys have Autism and are on the higher end of the Autism spectrum.
I don't believe I've written about this since I started blogging last April...... April being Autism Awareness Month, (and yes, I'm VERY aware of autism, Lol!), and April is also my one year blogaversary, I'll have to have some sort of give away,
Hmmmmmmm? Anyway, back to the tag.... My six-word meme describes our family. What some may label as "challenges", (and on those "not- so- great- days",
I describe them as "frustrations"!), these are really
gifts that are unique to my boys.
And, as an added bonus, life in our home is never boring! Case and point....my younger son was playing around with my camera (without my knowledge) and when I downloaded my photos, I found his decorated toe....Really glad that was the only body part I found!
(enlarge to see the smiley face!)Here are the instructions for the Memoir:
Post six words that sum up your life.
Ernest Hemingway was bet $10.00 that he couldn't sum up his life in six words. He won that bet when he wrote, "For sale, baby shoes, never worn."
The Rules:
1. Write your own six word memoir
2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like
3. Link to the person that tagged you in your post and to this original post if possible, so we can track it as it travels across the blogosphere
4. Tag five more blogs with links
5. Remember to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play!
If these ladies would like to play, I'm tagging:
~~Honeysuckle Lane's Simple Joys~Patty~
Tails from the Dogpatch
Vermont Harvest Primitives
The Blackberry Briar~*~*~*~*~*~

And I'd like to thank Cookie and Nina Mason for giving me the "You Make My Day" Award.
Cookie~Curds and Whey is a sweetheart and has a fun blog.
Nina~Nina Mason Dolls is a new blogging friend and makes gorgeous dolls. Thank you both, what an honor!
I will pass it along next week during our Spring Break!! And speaking of Spring...
Happy Spring!