Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas with friends and family. We stayed close to home. Our weather brought more snow and blustery winds, and although it was fun to wake up to a "White Christmas", it's not fun to drive in!

So, I decided to use the break to do something I resolve to do each year....be more organized! A few weeks ago, my son had a dentist appointment, and while I waited for him I picked up the latest issue of Better Homes and Gardens . It had so many great ideas for organizing that it got me inspired. (I bought my own copy so there wouldn't be any excuses!)
Our home is small, aka: our "Colonial/Farmhouse Cottage", so if you walk in and put the mail on the table, or put your coat on the sofa, it automatically looks cluttered....anything out of place makes the whole house seem a mess.

So this past week, I've been cleaning out closets and rearranging things so "everything has a place" and a purpose. Now if I can get everyone else who lives with me to have the same New Years resolution....it might just work!
Hey Suzanne, what pretty snow photos. I agree with you though, no fun to drive in, better to stay home and not risk life and limb.
Ah, being well organized...I was kind of forced to organize a bunch of stuff when we moved back in June. We only moved a couple of blocks up the street but still it forced me to go through a lot of things, art supplies, boxes, you name it...and just throw out what we didn't need anymore.
I discovered important info about us as we purged all this junk. Chris is a box collector, he can fill a room with empty boxes like you wouldn't believe. He always fears he may need them, so saves them. There goes the storage room, full of empty electronics boxes from 10 years ago (stuff we no longer have). It was great to throw all that away.
I on the other hand, seem to collect menus from restaurants. A drawer in the kitchen was full of them. Not just one from each place mind you, but several per restaurant. I guess I feared not having them and so, kept collecting the same ones. : )
Dear Suzanne, Wishing you, hubby and the kids a Happy New Year. I love the snow we're supposed to get 4 to 8 more inches tonight.
As for the clutter some is good,it makes a house look lived in!
The very best for 2008.
Hi Suzanne: You've got some pretty snow too!!! I agree that organizing is a wonderful activity and you feel sooo good getting rid of "stuff"!!! LOL I've been trying to downsize for a couple years now and am making progress...of course, I've got to keep all my wools and fabric stashes!!!!! : )
Happy New Year!!!
Hugs, Sunnie : )
Happy New year to you!!
Being organized feels good
I did some drawers as
I sat on the chair...trying NOT to do
too much!!
May 2008 bring you joy.
fondly, deena
Suzanne ~ bring that issue of BH&G when you visit Tennessee, please, lol! Happy New Year!
Wishing you a wonderfully blessed new year! It's been a pleasure getting to know you through blog-land!
Happy New Year Suzanne! I wish Kentucky would get some snow... send it this way.
Once you are finished organizing at your house, come to Kentucky and I'll keep you busy here! ;)
Happy New Year, Suzanne!!!!!
xoxo ... here's to a GREAT 2008!
Happy New Year, Suzanne!
Hi Suzanne,
What pretty photos of the snow! As far as the clutter thing, I have the same problem ~ small cottage house. Must stay organized!
Have a wonderful new year!
Hi Suzanne, I also have that issue! I like being organized - it's just the process that gets me! I need an HGTV show to come and "do" my house. Mission Organizaiton or something. Not that it's bad but there's always room for improvement!
Well wishes on getting organized, I dont even know where to begin at my house. Your snow pics are beautiful. Happy New Year!
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