My husband requested a painting for our church's Christmas Eve program and order of service for the bulletin. So, I asked him to find a photo or a painting of something he had in mind. He chose Roberto Feruzzi's painting entitled "Madonnina"! No pressure there! He said, not to worry, just to make it look like the faces I paint...well, that's all I CAN do!

Here is Roberto Feruzzi's beautiful painting and click
HERE to read about the story behind it.
(I can't seem to get Mr. Feruzzi's painting to enlarge, so please visit the website for a larger view.)
I thought I'd take you through my painting process.
(I was told this didn't sound boring when I mentioned to my friend I was thinking about blogging about this! So......we'll see how many click on through!).
Now please remember, I'm self-taught, and this is just my way of doing things. I'm sure a trained artist would chuckle at my process, but it works for me!

When I start a painting, I always start by drawing my subject. I wish I could just "paint what's in my head", but I have to visually see something to draw it. So I will usually look at another painting, photo, or take several objects from several paintings and compile a composition.

Since my husband really liked Madonnina, I didn't change too much of the

positioning and composition. Here is my drawing based on the painting:
I then use that drawing and trace it onto my canvas. So when a customer requests a painting that has previously sold, I still have the drawing to use for their painting.....(but no two paintings are ever alike, and as you can see in the photos, my painting isn't exactly like my it's a "varied" art!).

And now the painting begins! I usually paint the background first, (bringing the paint around the sides), and then paint one part at a time. For example, on this painting, I painted the cape then the the scarf, then the faces.
After I "think" I'm finished with it...I tend to look at it for a few days and tweak it here and there. Then I seal it and it HAS to be done! going back after that!
So, not too scientific, or secretive...just my simple process. And now my husband has some artwork for his Christmas program!
It is freezing here, literally! (I think tomorrow's high is 32!). Stay warm, and have a great weekend!