Idaho Mining Museum
Idaho History
After the mining tour we visited the Old Penitentiary. Just the Women's side was open for viewing. We took the "self-guided" tour and read some interesting facts about the women who were imprisoned in this tiny building. The men's pen opened in 1870 and closed in the 1970's, which was amazing in itself considering how old it was then.
The men had to quarry the stones from the hillside we visited to build their own jail cells. I think we will go back for a guided tour and learn more about the history another time.
This weekend was the annual "Trunk-or-Treat" event at our church. Families with small

Here are a few photos of their "Living Room" in the back of the truck. My son was dressed in his jammies and played the part of the annoyed and grumpy home owner who has to get up and answer the door to trick or treaters. (the "hippie" sitting next to my son is the Children's Director's child). They took the extention cord and plugged in my son's TV, and a lamp. It seems their idea was a hit! In fact, a lot of the trick or treaters wanted to watch TV instead of "Trunk-or-Treat". They came home pretty pleased with themselves and were awarded a prize basket as well!
In it was microwavable popcorn, plastic popcorn containers (they are cute...they look like popcorn bags from the movies), 4 movies passes, and movie candy!
And, I guess I asked sweetly enough this weekend , because my husband made a blog banner for me! I'm still playing around with text colors, and am not sure about the parchment (a warm color) on top of the grey- toned background color. But, I'm liking the new banner!