*The painting is sold (thank you!),... but I'm researching printers at the moment and will offer prints/note cards when I find one that makes me happy!
January didn't start out the new year "sickness-free". But, maybe we are done for the year and have had our quota?? :)
We all shared the germs for sinusitis, bronchitis and I had pneumonia (cause I have to out-do everyone! Lol),...and just a few days before we all got sick, my sweet and clever husband created a place for me to paint! So, all I could do is look at my new painting table from my bed and think of things I wanted to paint. But, now that we are all over the sickness....I've painted my first "masterpiece" on my new table!!
As a "recap", I've painted in and on some interesting places over the years:
* The kitchen table- (not that interesting, but it sure gets old clearing off all my "stuff" when we have to eat!).
* My bed- we rigged up a large board to place on our bed for me to paint, but that was really straining on my back, having to hunch to paint!
* The car- well, not while driving. But, yes, I used to take all of my paints in plastic tubs so I could paint while waiting for my boys at appointments/school, etc.
But now.........
I have a place of my very own!! While it doesn't really qualify as a "studio", it is my place to keep all of my supplies, my drawings, ideas and paints! I'm so excited to have this space! And, it is cute to boot! :)
My wonderful husband made the dry sink many years ago and when we moved to our current home (over seven years ago), the only place the dry sink really fit was in our bedroom. And, now it has another purpose! In it I now store my paper, drawings, reference and research books for inspiration, ideas, lists, etc. On top, I'm storing paints, pencils and paint brushes...and whatever my "current" project is at the time.
The table addition my husband added to the dry sink has dowels on the end and these simply slip into holes he made with an extra piece of wood that attaches to the dry sink. So, the table portion isn't permanently attached. I can remove it, if I ever need to or if I no longer want to paint...WHAT? That will never happen! :)
My first creation on the new table was for Lilly Dew Designs.
You can check out "A Winter Coat is Like a Hug" over on my other blog.
And then, I painted something for the February update on TDIPT -The hand holding the bouquet of flowers at the top of the page. (something simple, but sweet...remember I was sick! lol).
You can follow this link to find my paintings for TDIPT:
Happy Painting!