'Tis the season for singing. And choir concerts. My husband, (the choir director) is very busy this time of year and is ready for a long winter's nap. :)
He really enjoys it, and we enjoy participating and listening to them. There will be two this weekend, so Fa la la la la!
Decorating update: I pulled out the boxes of decorations, and now they are all sitting on the living room floor. Next step: I'll open them!, hopefully tomorrow, but today was update day on the Merc. (TDIPT).
This month I made some "wintery" things. A snowman named Parson Parley Brown. He was quite a bit of work (my busy husband helped with some of it, ie drills, wood armature, etc.)~
And some sledding in silhouette form~

Click on over to see more photos: Pear Tree on TDIPT
Snowmen melt my heart and Parson is definitely a charmer. Love the holiday silhouette, too. You always do lovely work.
He looks so darned precious and I love the little bottle brush tree he is carrying! I need to get my decorating started this weekend and catch up with all you ladies who already seem to have it under control!
Have a great and fun day!
Tina xo
Hi Suzanne, stopped by to wish you a lovely holiday. I love your winter silhoutte, just lovely.
Hope you and your family have a lovely holiday.
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