While my son was convalescing this summer, I painted a few signs. These are "hanging" around our house now:

This one is hanging on a wall in the main room of the house, where home school is done and where family and friends interact.....not sure if the "mantra" is working yet, Lol! But, its a great reminder, nonetheless. While visiting a little boutique, we saw this saying done in chalkboard colors, ie chalkboard green background with white lettering. I may have to paint one for my husband's classroom/ choir room at school too! This one is painted in different fonts I traced onto a heavily "distressed", (took a hammer to it, actually!), piece of wood. We've had this oak frame since we were married almost 24 years ago, it is about time I put something in it!

Our "new" front porch now has its own little sign. A "friendly" - No 'thank you' to solicitors.

Here is a closer view of the front door sign. My husband came up with the wording for this sign, and I painted it. So far, it has worked! We usually have quite a few people coming door-to-door, but not this summer. (Sorry if you make your living this way... but we live on the corner of the block and seem to get more than our share of solicitors.)
So, after summer is over, I'll either repaint the "summer" part or paint the other seasons on little pieces of wood and hang it over the word "summer". ie. Fall, Winter, Spring. Although the alliteration won't be there for "fall" and "winter". :)

This sign was painted twice. One for my son who plays those "Zombie" games, and one for my nephew who also plays. We saw the phrasing for this online....and my son just HAD to have me paint it! I don't have a photo of it, but I also painted another "Zombie" sign this summer for a friend and it had dripping blood lettering....eeeewwwww! Can't say I've ever "painted" blood before that,... well, maybe once for Halloween on a son's face! :)

So, there are the "Signs of our Summer-time".
~**~ It was my birthday this past Friday (ugh, another year older). BUT, it wasn't so bad because I was really spoiled this year! I'll share all my birthday goodies in the next post! ~**~
Fun signs, Suzanne!! You did great with them all - and such a variety of styles! Shows you really have an incredible range of talent. Gotta say, though, that last one is my favorite!! Hope you're having a wonderful Sunday! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
Hi Suzanne, I'm sorry I didn't know about Ethan's accident until I came for this visit. Truly a miracle that he is alright. His angels were working overtime that day.
I hope that he is mending great.
I love your signs. Especially the Zombie one.lol! I think I'm safe!
sending hugs...
Respectfully request permission to use my brothers text for my own solicitor sign! Love it!
I do agree - all signs are great but the no solicitor is classic. I think this would have a very wide market appeal!
Love the solicitor sign! Actually I like all of them - very cool. Hope your son is feeling better:)
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