When a robin cocks his head

This little bird sat still outside our back patio yesterday morning. He was quietly listening (you could tell!) for a snack to appear. In one photo, if you enlarge and look closely, you can see him pulling the worm from the ground.......awwww Spring!

(hmmmmm, our backyard grass is a lot greener than our front yard grass!)

Although the weather is a little damp, it has warmed up a bit and after a shower of sleet on Saturday, my husband and I went to the local nursery to "feed our weary winter souls".
We found a few plants that may or may not bloom, or even survive....they were in the "reduced" bin. But we are always up for a challenge! (...and I did save the receipt, just in case!)
We also bought several packages of bulbs, and hopefully in a few weeks our yard will have some new and beautiful colors.
Happy Spring! I hope you are able to do something "spring-like" to welcome the new season.

I see Spring has beckoned at your back door too.
Happy Spring!
Susan x
Hi Suzanne,
I think Spring may be springing for you! I still have a ways to go here, but soon it will come here as well.
I would give anything to plant a few things right now.
I hope you have a lovely week there in your area.
sending hugs
I woke to a Robin singing this morning. I do love them.
Saturday, I finally got a bag of 50 daffodil bulbs in that mom gave me in October. O well...
Hi Suzanne,
Thanks for stopping by.
The robin is singing but no spring here yet. More snow today.
Happy planting!!
Happy Spring to you Suzanne. I hope your new plants do well. If anyone can nurse them back to health, I'm betting you can.
Spring sprung here and then went away again. LOL I think toward then end of the week it is supposed to finally get warmer here in NY. I'm so done with winter and the cold.
I love to see Robins in our yard!
Have fun planting (now) and watching your flowers bloom (later)!
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