No, this is not a lesson on reproduction, but rather one on determination.

You know "Thing 1 and Thing 2" of Dr. Seuss fame.....well, I think I may be creating Thing 3!
I've been working on a paperclay creature for a few days now and my "intention" was to make a lop eared bunny.

Friends and family who have seen it drying in a jar have questioned it's 'creature-ness'.....
"Whatcha' makin', is it a dog?", "That looks like a sheep, is that what its gonna be?", "Oh, that's going to be a cute, hmmmm, well, what is it?"

These (and other comments best left untyped) have not done much for my motivation in completing this "Thing 3". Granted, I don't pull out the paperclay very often so its not a "practiced art" form for me. But every once in awhile I do enjoy getting my hands mushy with the stuff.
So, I was kind of still on the "bunny kick" from last month's updates and thought I'd create a lop eared bunny. My critics notwithstanding, I'm going to paint it to resemble one anyway!! (said in my best Veruca Salt voice)

He/she/ it started with an idea, ~ a creating question really,....How could I make a chest/bust without applying the paper clay directly to the muslin body?
I've made a few paperclay creations where I've applied the paperclay directly to the muslin and for 'impatient me', it takes too long for it to dry that way. China doll heads were the inspiration for my free-standing bust/chest on this bunny.
I found a paper mache egg that had the dimensions I wanted for the chest and cut it in half. I then attached my "styrofoam head and neck" with a dowel. Then I used a punch hole to make the holes in the egg form, so I can attach my body to the chest later.

Then I shaped the head with more styrofoam and got out the mushy paperclay and the fun began! Next is the primer and the paint, and of course the body.
Please stay tuned.....Here's hoping a bunny will emerge!!
Suzanne I am pretty excited to see this bunny when you are done. It will no doubt, be wonderful! As is everything you do.
In no time at all she shall be hopping down the bunny trail... little fuzzy tail and all.
Have a great week!
Susan x
So far, so cute! The creative process is amazing. Can hardly wait for the final revelation.
Also rather like Blue Girl's photo!:)
You do constantly amaze me with your creativeness! May I have a few of your brain cells?
Veruca Salt voice...I LOVE IT!
Don't you just love letting something just develop..that's my favorite part!!!
I bet this bun with be wonderful :)
Hugs, D
LOL at people's guessings. :-) She will be great. I know that some people add plastic wrap over a dish washing soap bottle top and then put a tin foil head and THEN put the paper clay over that, being carefull to only apply the paperclay so that it can be lifted OFF the bottle. I haven't tried this, so I don't know.
You can sculpt over cloth and then cut if off the cloth, which creates a shoulderhead - here's a link to what I mean...
It's a fun experiment you're doing. :-)
This is so interesting, thanks for posting it. I am always interested in the work/thought process when it comes to art.
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