We are getting ready to fly to my parent's home in TX and the "getting ready" part sure is a lot of work! Guess it shouldn't be as difficult as I'm making it, but I just want to finish a few projects I started before we leave....do you get like that? Work yourself up into a frenzy wanting to leave everything in your house in order before you leave for awhile?
So, one of the many list I've started, (so I won't forget anything or anybody!), is a list that has those few projects I've been meaning to do.....and those are just about done! I decided that I needed to rearrange the house, AND repaint some of the furniture, lol! I've been thinking about this for awhile now, just haven't had time during the home school year, so summer is the time for those home projects.

Then I decided I needed a new shirt, and couldn't find one in the stores, so......I went to the fabric store and found a cute pattern and made one. Now, I am NOT a seamstress, and I haven't tried to sew clothing for myself in many years. But this pattern just had three pieces, AND it said "easy" on the front, so I thought maybe I could handle it.

I have to say, I was fairly pleased with my efforts. I didn't have to rip out any seams or re-cut a piece of the pattern. The whole thing went together fairly quickly. I may even try the long sleeved version for fall....maybe, it DOES have an extra pattern piece! :)

Now that the projects are out of the way, it's onto the packing and trying to fit everyone's things into suitcases! See you when we get back.
Good morning Suzanne,
I too like my house just so when I go away..so that when I come back home ...it's nice and clean and tidy!
Your herb/flower garden is stunning.
LOVE your shirt. I've been wanting to make a couple of shirts myself..Indigo Junction has two great ones that I've been wanting to try but I'm a little afraid..as all I've ever made are skirts. You've inspired me!
Have a wonderful and safe vacation and visit with your parents.
Suzanne, Have a wonderful and safe trip visiting your parents! I can't believe that your sunflowers are blooming already! Mine are only knee high. Your garden looks lovely. I LOVE your shirt, it is just darling. You are so multi talented. Even with three pieces I'd be scared to death to attempt it lol. Even when we leave very early in the morning on a trip I still have to be sure that the beds are made, the dishes are washed and put away and the house is clean.
Have fun with your family!
Blessings, Patti
Your new shirt is pretty, Suzanne. Great job!
Have a wonderful and safe trip to Texas!!
Hi Suzanne, I wish you a happy and wonderful vacation. First of all, your garden is looking beautiful...love the blouse you made. It was great to see a photo of you...what a pretty lady you are.
Enjoy your time away....I'm on vacation also and loving it. All the best to you.
Cute blouse- I have a ton of clothes patterns that I "intend" to make....
I love coming home from vacation to a clean house- coming home to a mess is just depressing!
Hi Suzanne,
I too, am the same way. I cannot leave until everything is in its place. I think when you are a way for solong you don't want to have to come home and work. you just want to relax and enjoy being home. it is so true, "there is no place like home!!!!"
Your gardens are just BEAUTILUL!!! I love the fence!!! in the back ground.
Your new shirt turned out just FABULUOS!!!! I am not a clothes maker myself, but I do try to make myself something now and them. The easier the better. That is probably why I mainly make skirts. But I do like the pattern you picked out fot your shirt, I think I am going to have to look for something similar and try it. I love the style of it.
I hope you have a most wonderful time on your visit to your parents home!!! You must tell us about it when you get back.
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