at least in the new Autumn paintings. It is still in the 90's and 100's here, so thinking ahead to the fall somehow helps with the heat!

For TDIPT's update on the first I've put together an Autumn Journal. There are five watercolor paintings bound in a book form. The covers of the book are wrapped in a pretty paisley in autumnal colors. The front cover has a black metal frame with the title "Autumn Journal" and bittersweet painted on watercolor paper. The front cover is also hinged and the binding is wrapped in brown leather. Each painting is done on heavy, 140lb. coldpress. The pages are deckled and stained before painted. The paintings are scored slightly so each page in the journal is easily turned. The journal measures 5 1/2 X 7.

I've also painted two silhouettes. A pair of pilgrims, to be more exact. The man wears a hat with a buckle and the woman a bonnet. Both are painted in watercolor and have been accented with white accents for emphasis and shadowing. The frames are beveled and painted a deep green with gold trim. Each painting measures 7 1/2 X 8 1/2.

The past few weeks we've had "Paperclay Class" at our kitchen table. My boys have wanted to give it a try. They usually prefer a "one-day" or "one-hour" project over one that takes patience and time. But they have really seemed to enjoy creating their sculptures these past 2 weeks. My younger son's therapist also wanted to be part of the "class", and everyone seems to have had fun. They inspired me to work on a few sculptures for fall while we all sat at the table together. (I usually like to work alone when everyone is in bed !), but this was fun and I did get a few things sculpted! Here are a few pics of our "creations". (Let me give you a hint as to what they are!). My younger son sculpted a bunny (the brown bunny on a green stand). My older son is still in the process of sculpting his giraffe. And my son's therapist sculpted the turtle. The next step will be the detail painting. I'll post pics later of the "finished masterpieces"!

My "creations" are almost ready for paint....pumpkin heads and an acorn person.
And one has been painted...but still needs to get dressed!