My youngest turned 13 yesterday. Now we have two teenagers! help!
~"Boundless Energy" (aka: Birthday Boy) Bakes a Cake~
6:30 am.... birthday boy gets up with boundless energy and decides to make his own birthday cake from the mix he chose at the store the day before.6:33 am.....sleepy Mom walks into the kitchen to see what the noise is all about.
6:34 am.....sleepy Mom stumbles to the family room sofa to lay down while boundless energy continues to gather ingredients to make his cake.
6:34 until 7 or so......boundless energy asks if he adds this or that to the mix, sleepy Mom grunts from the sofa.
~meantime, coffee is brewing and sleepy Mom stumbles back into the kitchen for a cup. She spies the ingredients set out on the counter and realizes boundless energy used olive oil instead of vegetable oil for his cake~
7:10ish.....Mom finishes first cup of coffee and helps pour the batter into the cake pan.
15, 20 minutes later........boundless energy is off doing boundless energy things, Mom has finished another cup of coffee, the cake is done, and actually doesn't look too bad! ............... albeit a little moist!
There was however a mishap with the removal of the cake from the pan.....it split in half, so the solution: Two small cakes!

* TDIPT has been updated for the 1st of June. Please click Here to view my offerings. And please be sure to visit all the updated pages of the many talented artists and their offerings, thanks!
Olive oil works. Think how 'healthy' that cake will be.
Happy birthday to the Man of the Day! Wish I could snatch a wee bit of that yummy looking cake.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ben aka Boundless Energy Boy! That cake looks great!
LOL! Poor mom... at least you had chocolate cake for breakfast!
Happy Birthday to your boundless energy teenager!!!
Hmmm, olive oil in a cake. Never tried that! It looks good!
2 teenagers. Holy cow you do have your hands full Suzanne. Happy Birthday to Ben.
Well, at least it's a touch more healthful with the olive oil. So cute!!!
Happy Birthday to the Birthday Boy! I love all those candles! Two teenagers?! I better start taking notes - that will be me in three short years! Is there any cake left?
Happy Happy Birthday to your Boundles Energy Boy (I sure could use some of that energy)!
I think I've used olive oil for cake, when I didn't have veg oil. How did it taste? Looks like he did a good job, despite the mishap!
Have a wonderful rest of the week, Suzanne and a belated happy birthday to the new teenager at your house!
Happy birthday to the busy birthday boy .... I think all mother's of teenagers should receive a valium saltlick on each child's birthday,every year until they're gray !!!!!!!!!! Ha!
LOL...what a cute story Suzanne.
Happy Birthday Boundless Energy...or should I say Ben. Yummy cake.
blessings and hugs,
I bet the cake was Delicious! And Oh, that Cherry girl is so very Wonderful!
Sandra Evertson
Congratulations and Happy Birthday to Ben!
Sleepy Mom deserves an award. :)
Happy Birthday to your new teenager.
HAPPY 13th Birthday Ben! My Tressa will be 13 this Dec......so we can have teens together Suzanne! CHEERS to 93 more years of boundless energy~ both to Ben, AND his Mamma xoxoxoxox
HI Suzanne! Congrats on having 2 teens!!!! : ) My "teens" will be 48, 47, and 45 this year!! How time flies!!! LOL
I just wanted to let you know about my little Quilt Giveaway Drawing celebrating over 100 posts on my blogger blog and on my wordpress blog! I'm putting the binding on the quilt now and will draw the winner later this month!
Hope all our visitors will enjoy this little quilt!
Hugs to you!! Sunnie : )
zI have 2 teenagers too, and it's funny how as the kids get older, they require less physical energy but more mental energy on my part! But they are tons of fun and I think they are actually keeping me young!
Hope the Birthday Boy had a wonderful day!
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