The last "Passed" painter was Audubon who moved his family west to open a store and eventually painted the wildlife of the area. Today's post is about another group of adventurers.
In 1869, The Hudson River School was founded

Thomas Cole (1801-1848) was the founder of this group of artists. He moved with his family to America from England when he was small. His father owned a wallpaper factory, and Thomas learned many drawing techniques while growing up there. As an adult his art was realistic.

Another member of the group was Albert Bierstadt. He was born in Germany, and his family came to America and settled in Massachusetts. His interest in art began when he worked with a landscape photographer. Albert left the work and traveled to Europe to study painting. When he returned he began painting landscapes with the group, in particular the untamed West. His paintings were so grand (in size and application) they made people want come out West and see it for themselves. (His "Mountain of the Mist" is on the right.)
Frederic Church was another member. He was a student of Thomas Cole's and lived and worked in his New York studio, taking trips to sketch and draw landscapes throughout the year.
(His "Scene on Catskill Creek" is on the left.)

The Hudson Valley Painters were the first painters to capture the wildernesses of America and because of the wonderful paintings by this talented group, many saw places in America for the first time.
References: My son's Art curriculum and Artcyclopedia for the paintings.
these are PAINTINGS?
Absolutely breathtaking, aren't they?!!
I can see how you are incredibly inspired with such beauty as this.
What adventures these artists and their families must have had! Can you imagine packing all your supplies and going out in the wilderness to sketch and paint?
Ah, to be able to capture God's amazing creation in such beautiful strokes of the brush....
Suzanne, thanks for showcasing these artists from the Hudson River all the work, so beautiful and all of the history as well. I think because we live in the here and now, we spend a lot of our mental time there, which is great of course but it also is wonderful to look back, especially with music and art, so many fabulous artists of the past to learn from and draw inspriration from and just plain be "in awe" of. : )
Amazingly beautiful post, Suzanne.
I'm having a giveaway for my blog anniversary. Come by the back porch for details.
Hi Suzanne!
I'm a huge Audubon Bird fan & love the bird books. Such wonderful paintings & as always I enjoy your blog & am so inspired every time I read it! And no, I HAVE been the bad blogger & hope to get back on track!
I so love the past works of all you've featured. It humbles me when I see this beautiful detailed painting style. Serene and pure.
As always Suzanne most enjoyable.
I have always loved Church's work, I find him the original painter of light.
xo Susan
My, what wonderful paintings. Another great art history lesson.
I've always been drawn to landscapes and I love this style! Thanks as always for the lesson.
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