To Dwell in Primitive Thymes is celebrating it's 1st birthday in March. And starting March 1st the party begins! Many talented artists on the TDIPT Mercantile will be donating prizes for everyone to win!
(only wish I could sign up!!)
I'll post another reminder on the 1st to visit the Mercantile.....but in the meantime, please click on the link to read more. It should be fun!
....here is a peek at my give away gift for the Birthday celebration. .....can you tell I'm really ready for Spring?!

.....I'm still using the reserves of the "Busy Mom" card and will post a "Passed" artist next week.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Can you send that robin this way? We can use a little spring. That's why I haven't heard even so much as a peep from you, you've been busy creating!
I look forward to seeing the new goodies.
xo Susan
I've had the busy mom thing going on here too.
I adore your work, Suzanne. The detail in this piece is amazing yet it offers such a serene and peaceful "aroma" ... I think I could lose myself staring at this sweet robin for hours on end.
Just Beautiful, sister.
Your Robin is beautiful Suzanne. I love it. What a wonderful prize for someone.
ouvHI Suzanne,
Thanks for stopping by! I love your little robin, what a neat gift....I see you're feeling a yen for spring, too!
Love the robin painting Suzanne!
We ARE thinking birds and spring aren't we?
Suzanne, you should do an entire collection of birds! This robin is just perfect. Can't wait to see more!
ps. send some *s*n*o*w* my way, ok?
I love your new Robin painting Suzanne! The detail you achieved is amazing, and she looks like she could fly away at any moment. :)
Love your beautiful Robin Suzanne, lovely work, as always.
I can't stop coming back for another look at this precious robin.
You have such a way with a brush!
It's beautiful, Suzanne :)
Gorgeous Robin! I want Spring to hurry!
Stop by my blog... something is there for you :)
Hi Suzanne! Love your birdie giveaway! Send those chirping little birdies my way please....I am in need of spring!
I just love your robin! Robins are my absolute favorite birds. I hope that you are making more to sell... just in case I don't win! Patti
Oh, the birdie paint is Fabulous!
Sandra Evertson
Oh so SWEET!!
We need some robin's here too!
Spring will come..SOON
smiles, deena
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