I don't have a "Passed" painter chosen for today, so I thought I'd be the painter and show you

my "past" work. A few years ago when my boys were younger and we weren't home schooling, I had a "word-of-mouth" small painting business. One employee, (me) and occasionally I would hire a partner for a really large mural or faux job. My husband was easily train-able, because he has an artistic eye, so he was usually my hired extra-hand. Here are a few photos, and no, they aren't very "Early American"! And, now that I look at them, I realize I was more interested in the artistic process, rather the artistic preservation....I took terrible photos!
The first photo of the rooster is the entry door to a little country decor and furniture store.

The two photos of the blue door are the back and front of a flat door, the only

"real" thing on the door is the handle....the rest is painted to look as if light is coming through a six-paned window with "lace curtains" and cross boards are
painted on the lower half of the door.

In the photo of the potted bromeliad, my husband cut out the arch in MDF board, and then I painted the rest....this way it wasn't painted on the wall and the home owner could take it with them if they moved.

For the fireplace in this client's home, I painted the "tiled" arch and fauxed the granite surround and columns.

She also had me use the same tile/ granite technique for the message center in their home.

This was one half of a very large room with arches over huge wood columns. This room took awhile! Parts of the ceiling height were over 12 ft high and it had a

living room, dining room hallway and foyer. She wanted a "rich tuscany" look. Well, that is a little sampling of what I used to do....I hope these load up and there aren't too many!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Suzanne, your faux painting is wonderful. I also loved, loved, loved the door with the rooster..what beautiful work. Will look forward to seeing more of your work in the future
Those are all great! I love that rooster door one - it's just beautiful. Did you do any faux painting like this in your home? I wish I had just a little bit of your talent - I'd probably go overboard in my house though LOL!
Wow Suzanne! Those all look so real! You do beautiful work.
It does not surprize me, all that wonderful painting, I have seen it firsthand.
I just want to thank you again for my sweet little miss, Sophie.She's as delightful by candlelight as she is in the day.I'm hoping there will be a companion piece for the holidays! Susan
Wow!! Very beautiful!! Can you come to my house????:o)
As an eye witness to these works of art, just let me say they were far more stunning that mere photos reveal.
The Girl's brilliant and I'd think and say so even if she weren't the mother of my grandsons!
OH Suzanne, I wished you were close , you could make my walls so beautiful!!
You are so talented!
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