Today, August 22, my husband and I celebrate 20 years of marriage! Happy Anniversary honey! (We gave each other a bathroom as a gift!)
And a very sweet blogging friend, Manuela, The Feathered Nest, gave me an award which I will pass along. At first I wasn't quite sure about this award, but then I read the definition:
" The Power of Schmooze Award is for bloggers who effortlessly weave their way in and out of the blogosphere, leaving friendly trails and smiles, happily making new friends along the way. They don’t limit their visits to only the rich and successful, but spend some time to say hello to new blogs as well. They are the ones who engage others in meaningful conversations, refusing to let it end at a mere hello - all the while fostering a sense of closeness and friendship."
Thank you, Manuela....she makes it easy to chat on her blog, she is so nice and has wonderful, inspiring posts about decorating, gardening, and fun excursions.
I'd like to pass it along to my friend Lana, Honeysuckle Lane's~Simple Joys~, who started me "blogging" and is a dear friend. She usually plays Lucy to my Ethel..."encouraging" me to try new things!
I've met so many fun, interesting, sweet, and creative people through blogging! So, "thank you" to all of you for stopping by and posting a comment, I enjoy reading them.
I'd like to pass it along to my friend Lana, Honeysuckle Lane's~Simple Joys~, who started me "blogging" and is a dear friend. She usually plays Lucy to my Ethel..."encouraging" me to try new things!
I've met so many fun, interesting, sweet, and creative people through blogging! So, "thank you" to all of you for stopping by and posting a comment, I enjoy reading them.
I love the gift you & hubby gave each other. !! and you are a dear..I'm proud to call you friend.
smiles, Deena
Why thank you Ethel! We did have fun in that chocolate factory, didn't we? lol!
I think that was a great anniversary gift. And pretty too!
Happy Anniversary, Suzanne!
Congrats to you and your Hubby! Happy 20th!!!
BTW, congrats on your award:o)!
Oh man, 20 years?
20 years since I saw my first giant cockroach, ate my first fajita and swilled your dad's home brew? Not really. We're all far too young and pretty for that to be the case. Check your calendar.
Congratulations, sis. You were a fine addition to the family!
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