Today, June 1st is my younger son's birthday...he is 12 years old today! Wow, where did all the time go?
Ben has some developmental challenges in his life which make him wonderful, unique and Full of Life! He has come quite a long way and we are very proud of him.
Ben loves computers, video games, anything electronic and is quite good at it...he "practices" a lot!
(Ben and Dad being goofy in a photo booth.)
He is discovering his love of reading and sometimes when it's quiet (like most Mom's think, that's not always a good thing..."the kids must be up to something"), I will find him in his bed reading a book..or working on a puzzle book.
He is not afraid of asking questions when he doesn't understand something. He is inquisitive. . . (but so far hasn't taken apart the computer or the TV to see how it works), and I hope he continues questioning and always trying to figure things out. . .(even though his Dad and I can get exhausted answering them!).
~ Happy Birthday Ben! We love you.~
Happy Birthday to Ben!!!! and many more :)
What a great day to have for a birthday! I mean, I know June 1st isn't technically the First Day of Summer...but it feels like the First Day of Summer :)
Okay, a Birthday Wish :)
I wish for this day to be Absolutely Fabulous for ya'll, from Sun-Up until Way Past Sun-Down :)
Happy Birthday to Ben!
Hi Suzanne,
Happy Birthday to your sweet son Ben!
Haooy Birthday to Ben!!! I hope he has a wonderful fun filled day!! :)
Happy Happy Birthday, Ben!!
Back Porch Musings
Happy birthday, Ben! We love you!
Happy Birthday Ben!
Give him a hug for me Suzanne!
We're wishing all the best
on your special day!
Love from the Morristown branch
What a cutie pie! I love the name Ben!
Hi Suzanne! Happy Birthday to Ben!!:o)
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