So what's behind this curtain???...... NOT going to show you! Just know it would win the ugliest shower award!

Well, the face-lift is more like a restructuring. We've already knocked down a wall in the front room to open up the living area and put in wood flooring. We scraped (safely), primed and painted all of the ceilings in the house. It had that '70's popcorn stucco stuff on them. All the interior doors have been replaced. My husband has refaced all of the kitchen cabinets with beadboard doors and beadboard backsplash and replaced the laminate countertops in the kitchen...yes, soapstone would have been nice, but a bit pricey! The living area/ kitchen area is beautiful and cottage-y. And now it's time for the bathroom....

Now, in our last home, we had three bathrooms...and remodeled each one at a time. With just one bathroom to remodel, this has brought on a few concerns. And being the seasoned "do-it-your-selfers", we KNOW that things NEVER go as planned and you don't know what you are really dealing with until you start demolition.
So, this week is planning and ordering week...part of the planning will be to decide the best plan of attack so that we aren't left without a bathroom for too long while we are remodeling. Thank goodness our church is close by with running water, we will probably be there more

I am bravely posting photos of the "before". We've already started the demolition by ripping up the lovely vinyl flooring...(you think that's bad, you should have seen the indoor/outdoor carpet that was in the dining room)
One thing I did do in the bathroom when we moved in was to get rid of the build-in medicine cabinet, paint the cabinets and walls, knowing that we were going to remodel soon, so it wasn't a great job, but at least I could walk in there.

So far this weekend we've chosen and ordered flooring, it's a start....but a long few weeks ahead!
Suzanne, I'll be checking in to see the progress. You know I've been wanting to remodel too... so, just tell Jeff when he's through to come on down and while he and the boys are helping Roger... you and I can go junking!
I know it'll be beautiful when you are through...
Oh, bathrooms are a pain to remodel but since it's the one room you use all the time, it'll be such a joy when it's done. Can't wait to see what you do - what flooring are you putting down?
Good luck!
Oh Suzanne, Can I relate to your remodeling!!! We have been remodeling our house now for about 10 years.....and we are still not done! Can't wait to see when you have it completed. It will be worth the work.
What a big project! can;t wait to see the results. if you run out of things to do on your house, just come right over -- we'll find something for you to do here! Good luck!
What fun!!! We also have a small house..our upstairs bathroom is really small...I can't wait to see when you're all done!! We need to remodel our bathroom in the basement...but there never seems to be enough $$$$$$$$
This is going to be great. I can hardly wait to see the finished product, knowing full well it will be stunning and one-of-a-kind.
Hopefully you won't uncover any great horrors in the process.
Good for you!! I admire you both for taking on the bath. I would love to have ours redone sometime. We are good at the cosmetic things, but not quite as good at the mechanical/structural part. It will be fun to see your progress!
xo, Andrea
I'll pray for you all....including the shower and floor.
Sounds like fun!! And i'm sure it will be PERFECT!
Wow, you are brave! I would love to remodel our bathrooms, but wouldn't even know where to begin! I will be checking in to see your progress...I'm sure it will be lovely when you're all finished!
I love before pictures and after pictures. Looking forward to the afters!!
Back Porch Musings
Suzanne, all your changes sound great! Those 60's & 70's houses can really be brought up to date with some good planning & projects. Your kitchen sounds wonderful & I can't wait to check back & see this bathroom redo.
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