We've had a crazy week. Nothing new there! Under the weather a bit with the season's change too. We've had rain and cold(er) weather, which somehow brings on sniffles, sneezes and other sinus-related "S's"! :)
The last post eluded to fun happenings and goings-on in my very small "art world".

She shares the page with Patti's pretty pumpkins Winding Vine Blog)
A magazine article!~ The group I belong to (and update monthly in), To Dwell in Primitives Thymes (TDIPT), had a 10-page feature in the latest PRIMS publication. PRIMS is a magazine published by Stampington and Co.
Here is a link to Stampington and PRIMS mag: Stampington & Co.
We were asked to send in an original art piece and then we filled out a survey sent to us by the coordinator of the article (and TDIPT member), Karen Brady.
She collaborated with the leaders of our group to write the article and then Stampington staff took photos of our art!
It is fun to see your work in print...thanks Stampington!
I couldn't decide what to send in, so I sent in two items thinking they would choose for me. It was a nice surprise to see both of my items in the article! (And, when you look through the article, you'll see that other members of the group sent in more than one item too.....that made me feel better, and not so much like a "greedy-goose"!)
(Plug: Both of these items have traveled back to my house from their photo shoot and are available in my Etsy shop: Pear Tree Primitives' Etsy Shop)
What is that thing on the first row? What did she create? Is she trying to sell that?
These are valid questions you may ask yourself when you see my "latest" creation!

My ever- diplomatic husband saw me painting these "troll dolls" and said, "Hmmm, those aren't your 'usual'." Nope, they are very UN-usual, and even kind of creepy (so say my children).
But, I kind of like their squishy little faces! :) ....the Troll dolls, not my children's faces!
I really have no rhyme nor reason for these little creatures other than I was just playing around with my new Inktense watercolor pencils! These were fun to play with, and I tried to create a "vintage-y" lithograph style for their faces. I'm not sure how that "look" will translate to anything other than a creepy little Troll doll face, but I'm going to continue to play with them and find out!
Here is a link to the Troll dolls on my Etsy, they aren't really scary.....just think " a character in a Brother's Grimm fairytale"! See them here: Troll Twins
Thanks for stopping by.....and next on the list of blog posts: New watercolor paints (LOVE these, and can't wait to share, and a custom portrait in the works.
See you Wednesday~
Congrats, Suzanne! Your creations look beautiful as always. I love the way they celebrate autumn's splendor. The trolls look quite mischievous!
Congratulations & Hugs Sweet Suzanne!! A truly wonderful and truly well-deserved honor....I couldn't track down the magazine here in Nod and so ordered it several days ago from Stampington - can't wait to get it....I love your new troll folks....they are like a cross between Arnolds Printworks and Grimm brothers....Too sweet!! Hope all is well in your world - Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
Oh my goodnes....I so love your trolls. You brought back memories of my troll doll collection long ago...my sweet, ugly, funny "good luck charms". Thanks for sharing. :-)
Suzanne, your Autumn decor creations featured in Prims Magazine are perfect!
Congratulations Suzanne! A very well-deserved honor for a very talented artist!
Enjoy your day!
Tina xo
This is so exciting Suzanne. I will HAVE to get this Prims. I love the publication! Now I will love it more!
You are so funny. I love your humor. The trolls 'squishy' little faces are too cute.
Whenever I come to see your artwork I am always amazed by your talent my friend. Someday I hope we get to meet and I can see the artist behind it all.
Darn it...so sorry to hear you guys have had the stuff that seems to be going around. I just got over an ear infection (I never have ear infections) and I think it was a secondary infection from my allergies, which is one of the reasons Fall is not among one of my favorite seasons. lol! Oh I adore the colors and crisp air, but the allergies, not so much.
Thank you Suzanne for sharing your art with us all.
hugs from here...
You are so famous! How fun! Prim and FOLK, not to mention EAL!
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