"I could write a book", is a phrase usually used when someone has a lot to tell about a negative experience, or something they've learned through trial and error. I just thought about that, weird, huh? Why not, "I could write a book".... about all of my blessings?
Well, unfortunately, I've been saying that phrase a lot lately about a not-so-wonderful experience we are going through with finding a developmental therapist to work with my son....but the road ahead looks brighter, so that's a good thing!, and my "book" will be published soon! Haha! But seriously, after what we've experienced, I feel for those with disabilities who don't have an advocate in their corner.
Well, that's where I've been for the last few weeks, and will still be busy with doing for many weeks ahead.
But there is ALWAYS time for creating!!
And, it is the beginning of the month (can you believe it?), and time for updates on TDIPT.
This month I went "a little Colonial" with my Christmas offerings.

Please meet AnnaBeth (this was the "girl name" choice that my husband and I had for a girl... if we had had one.) I used my "girl name" for the doll I made for the update. She is made of quilter's muslin and is 17 inches tall. Her facial features were created using Inktense pencils (like the Troll Dolls, but cuter!)

My second offering is a painting of a Rocking Horse. This was fun to do~ I cut up some burlap and adhered it to an 8 X 10 canvas with some gesso and Modge Podge ©, then painted on the burlap. I cut the burlap so that the edges would extend over the canvas. The edges of the burlap are painted and sealed so they won't fray, and they look neat!
You can visit both offerings on my selling page:
Pear Tree on TDIPT

This is also the time of year for TDIPT's annual Open House! Which means Give Away Time!!
There are several ways to enter your name: Buy an item from one of the artist, sign up on our blog.....and a few other ways listed when you read the post.
Here is a link to learn more about the give away:
TDIPT Open House Give Away
(This is my "gift" for the Open House Give Away~For a chance to win this funny little guy, and other prizes, be sure to enter the give away!)

This is the first year no one asked to "dress-up" for Halloween. After 16 years of making costumes for two boys, I'm actually not too sad about not making one this year.
☺Happy Halloween Retirement to me!☺
Stay safe this evening~
PS. I finished the painting of the sisters walking hand in hand. It's my new "fall-ish" banner!