To TDIPT!! The online market, To Dwell in Primitive Thymes is celebrating it's 3rd birthday.
Please click on the banner and visit the blog to sign up for the giveaway!And Happy Birthday to the 19th century English illustrator, Sir John Tenniel. Sir John is most remembered for his illustrations that brought the characters of Lewis Carroll's book, "The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland" to life. In honor of his birthday, I've drawn my own interpretation of his White Rabbit. This little fellow is the one that started the "adventures" for Alice as she followed him down the rabbit hole!
For updates this month, it seems I was on a "multiplying bunny" kick. I've painted two "early-style" bunnies in silhouette and a running rabbit in sepia for the update on TDIPT.
And I'm offering the white rabbit illustration as well as a set of painted cabinet cards and photo holder on Early Work Mercantile:

(on Early Work Mercantile, just click photo)
Thanks for peeking! And don't forget to sign up for the giveaway!