Most of us who blog or visit blogs enjoy some sort of creative outlet, either art, creative writing, home decorating, or just being inspired by others who have a passion and wish to share it via the internet.
My creative outlet is painting. The joke around here is if something or someone sits still long enough, Mom will paint it. I'll paint walls, canvas, paper and even a kid or two. (Face paint for Halloween, of course!)

Ok, reading glasses are not strong enough, had to pull out the magnifier. It is starting to look like a science experiment! In this photo she has had a colorwash on the background and I've started on the facial features, and a little color on the hair.
Painting has always been a learning process for me. I'm self-taught and only really discovered I could draw or paint after I had children and became a stay-at-home Mom. Painting was for my own pleasure until someone saw my art and requested my first commissioned portrait. And especially back then I enjoyed trying to paint on just about anything because it was all new. Now I try to come up with unique surfaces as a challenge to myself.
One surface I've always wanted to try is ivory. But, of course it is not available except on old piano keys, and that size sort of limits your options as to your subject.
So I've been on a search for a similar surface to ivory and found a product called ivorine. It is basically a thick plastic that has the look of ivory. It comes in sheets and you cut it to fit your painting or frame.
Having never painted on ivory before, I can't compare the ivorine to painting on ivory. But the ivorine was definitely a learning curve experience for me! I guess part of the challenge was the new surface I was learning to paint on, as well as the subject I wanted to first miniature portrait.
I love learning new things, and as anything, the first time is a learning process, so as I share these photos of the process....keep that in mind! :) She is not perfect and I've learned a lot about how the ivorine responds to the watercolor paint, so next time I'll use that knowledge to improve, hopefully! (I know, I'm my own worst critic!)

Up close and personal! Working on her face......eyes are so hard! You want them somewhat symmetrical, but not perfectly so. But hers need a little more work at this point! But check out her ear (enlarge the photo), I was really pleased with how that turned out.

A little more color is added. Layering and letting it dry was the best way to build the color.

She is in her 2 1/2 X 3 inch frame....all 1 1/2 inches of her! Still not quite sure if she is completely "done", but I'll look at her for a few more days and decide. Or, I may start another one! :)
Oh my goodness, how petite ~ and beautiful!!! Suzanne, you are a wonderful artist!
I love the translucency! It looks just like porcelain. Beautiful!
You are amazing, Suzanne! I love it!!
Oh, she's just gorgeous the way she is!
She is delightful with her delicate lips and skin tone like ivory.
A perfect little miss!
xo Susan
You are an artist after my own heart! I adore painting 2 1/2" x 3 1/2" aceo historic watercolor portraits. I checked out your Etsy shop and I love the little girl with the doll in the oval frame. If she were in my budget, she would be mine. So pretty.
Thanks for the tip on the ivorine. I will try that. I have only painted on canvas, wood and paper, myself and am fascinated in trying a new surface.
What fun! She turned out amazing Suzanne! I may have to give it a try too!
This little lady is a beauty in every respect.
(That ear is quite fine. And in this family we do know a fine ear when we see one!)
This work truly has the look of a priceless antique.
Well done - once again.
I love her. She's precious.
That ivorine must be pretty porous (sp?) to accept watercolors, I would think, no?
I did enlarge it - that's just beautiful Suzanne! You are amazing!
Just lovely!!
I also paint miniature watercolors--and reading glasses def don't do the trick anymore for me either.
Oh So beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!
How lovely! Its fascinating to see your process, I just love these delicate little paintings...
Hi Suzanne,
I absolutely love this little painting. Not just anyone can paint a minature. It takes alot of talent and you have it!!!!
I actually enjoyed reading through this posting.Many thanks.
Portrait Painting
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