Whew! It has been warm here, but beautiful! Can't complain too much when I know my relatives in TX are already experiencing triple digits, as many of you are....but it is still hot and in the 90's here in Boise, which makes it difficult to think about making something for a "Christmas in July" theme for TDIPT. I managed to make just a few whimsical snowpokes and some Scrabble tile Charms. Here is a link if you'd like to take a peek:
Pear Tree on TDIPT

I also worked on some offerings for Early Work Mercantile for July. I really enjoyed painting both of these. Working with one color (the Victorian flower basket) was challenging, yet rewarding to see how many different shades you can create for the overall effect of sepia tone.
And I think I have a new love....fashion plates! I really enjoyed doing a little research for the Parasol Stroll watercolor painting. (You can read the little info I wrote about the plates on my Early Work webpage, link below).
I mentioned to a fellow artist that I don't always consider what may sell when I paint, but that I just paint what I love and paint what I want to learn about.....and hopefully someone enjoys it too. But, that may be why I have a few paintings still 'hanging around the house'....literally! Lol!
As part of the learning experience, I started taking photos of the work in progress. But like last time, I kept forgetting to take the "in between" photos! You can still see a little of how she developed. First, I put a colorwash of a light tan or parchment color on the watercolor paper. Then I drew her onto the paper. (Forgot to show the colorwash step.)
Then started filling in, one color at a time....base, shade and highlight!
Here is a link to my Early Works page:
I think I need her parasol to shade me from this heat! Stay cool everyone!~

I also worked on some offerings for Early Work Mercantile for July. I really enjoyed painting both of these. Working with one color (the Victorian flower basket) was challenging, yet rewarding to see how many different shades you can create for the overall effect of sepia tone.
And I think I have a new love....fashion plates! I really enjoyed doing a little research for the Parasol Stroll watercolor painting. (You can read the little info I wrote about the plates on my Early Work webpage, link below).
I mentioned to a fellow artist that I don't always consider what may sell when I paint, but that I just paint what I love and paint what I want to learn about.....and hopefully someone enjoys it too. But, that may be why I have a few paintings still 'hanging around the house'....literally! Lol!
As part of the learning experience, I started taking photos of the work in progress. But like last time, I kept forgetting to take the "in between" photos! You can still see a little of how she developed. First, I put a colorwash of a light tan or parchment color on the watercolor paper. Then I drew her onto the paper. (Forgot to show the colorwash step.)
Then started filling in, one color at a time....base, shade and highlight!
Here is a link to my Early Works page:
I think I need her parasol to shade me from this heat! Stay cool everyone!~