I've felt a little more "off" than usual this week, (my poor family!), and as you read through the tag you'll understand why. But to bring myself back out of the "blues", I just have to read Cathy's blog. Her humor makes me smile and because I was running a little slower this week, she caught and tagged me.
Here are the rules: I have to answer the following questions with one word answers...yeah, right! Sorry, I'm not very quiet even when I want to be (see #22), and I really blew it on # 8!
1. Where is your cell phone? Don’t own one
2. Where is your significant other? Work
3. Your hair color? Ummmmm, mousey brown (with “some” gray) unless I have it highlighted (Ok, I can’t answer in just one word!)
4. Your mother? “A-broad” (hahaha, I’m cracking myself up, but seriously, she and my dad are in Lima, Peru until March)
5. Your father? With “abroad”
6. Your favorite thing? Painting….oh, wait, Family ☺…can I have 2?
7. Your dream last night? Don’t remember dreaming
8. Your dream/goal? Living it, “….when I heard that there were artists, I wished I could some time be one. If I could only make a rose bloom on paper, I thought I should be happy!.....it seemed to me that I should be willing to spend years in trying.”
Lucy Larcom, A New England Girlhood, 1889
9. The room you're in? Family room
10. Your hobby? Painting
11. Your fear? I’ve become more “fearless” as I’ve gotten older
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? With my family
13. Where were you last night? Home
14. What you're not? Good at Math
15. One of your wish-list items? A “studio”/ shed….I’m not picky, I’ll create anywhere
16. Where you grew up? Everywhere, USA ….my dad worked for the federal government and we moved around a lot.
17. The last thing you did? Painted
18. What are you wearing? Sweats
19. Your TV? Off right now, but just finished watching “Life with Father”, and oldie I checked out from the library.
20. Your pet? Roscoe, an almost 10 yr. old min schnauzer slumbering at my feet.
21. Your computer? Old….see keyboard pic. This was my husband’s laptop for his doctoral studies, but I’ve used it so much the letters have rubbed off.
22. Your mood? Quiet, solemn….probably due to PMS! (can’t believe I just typed that!)
23. Missing someone? Nope, don’t mind being alone right now (see 22)
24. Your car? Old and completely paid off.
25. Something you're not wearing? Shoes
26. Favorite store? Thrift
27. Your summer? Not long enough
28. Love someone? Husband/Children
29. Your favorite color? White (a blank canvas)
30. When is the last time you laughed? Today (see 22)
31. Last time you cried? Today (see 22)
Now I'm tagging 3 people ('cause Cathy did) and if they want to play along, it would really help with my "blues"! ....no pressure though. Patti, Jacquelynne, Lana
Loved it!
We are indeed alike in many ways.
Thanks, Suzanne! I'll have to think long and hard on some of those questions.....
So glad to see the Lucy Larcom
quote. I so enjoyed her books!
Another common bond.
You made me laugh! The PMS thing doesn't go away as you age, it just morphs into hot flashes,headaches and finally freedom. See you have much to look forward to!!
Love the calling cards.
xo Susan
Loved your list, Suzanne!
Hi Suzanne! You obviously don't have to look at your keys as you type like I do :)
Cathy from Tadpoles and Teacups always makes me giggle!
Love your list and look forward to posting mine. I'm going away this week, but will do it when I return...
Blessings, Patti
I loved reading your list! Interesting and funny!
Suzanne, loved your list!
Hi Suz! Dont be BLUE! I LOVED*** hearing that your husband ''thought'' he planted punkins that turn orange LOLOLOLOL~ earlier this year, I went out to pick some carrots and zuccini.....only to wander around and around and around in the garden, looking for S*(&^@# that wasnt there! I came in and said~ hey~ WHERE is my one acrorn squash and zuccini plants???? WHERE are the carrots???? And after HE went out and wandered....came in and said 'Gosh~ i guess I didnt plant any!' This is what we get for trusting MEN to plant the garden! LOLOLOLOL
xoxoxo Rachael
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