I tried to lift my head, but the room kept spinning. My head was so heavy, it felt as if it would pop off!...and that would have been a relief from all the green stuff it was oozing.
Ok, I'll spare you any more details of the horror movie, but the truth was we've had the flu for the last week or so. Everyone in the family coming down with it one after the other.....dropping like flies. My poor husband had to take care of everyone and now he is starting to feel ill. It came on too quickly to get a flu shot, let's hope there isn't more than one strain of flu going around and now we are done!

Just before I went down ☺, I was given an award. Bebe of Peaches~And~Dreams gave me an art blog award,.....thank you Bebe!, it was very sweet of you to think of me. And if you enjoy art, or enjoy creating it, consider the award passed along to you.
.....and speaking of art. This coming weekend is very exciting! Lana and I have a new selling blog that will make its debut. If you are on my emailing list, I'll be sending a newsletter out on Friday with some "teaser" photos attached. In the meantime, I have one more portrait to finish!
Now that my head isn't spinning more than it normally does, I'll be able to see my computer screen and visit everyone's blogs...I have a LOT of catching up to do!