The weather was beautiful this weekend, and it was hard not to step outside and enjoy it. But, it was time to get my items ready for
The Primitive Gathering update on the 15th, and I had to make myself work inside, with the doors and windows opened!
I've been working on a few offerings for a few weeks now, and just had to put the finishing touches on them, so the whole weekend wasn't spent indoors.

(Can you see the pumpkin patch in the background?)
But this weekend my husband (aka...High School Choir Director), did go outside and he pulled out his woodworking tools. I thought he was going to make me something! I have a few benches "on order" from him, but that wasn't what he had in mind. He worked on
bullroarers* for his Music Appreciation class of 20 high schoolers....I REALLY hope they "appreciate" all of his hard work!
(no, you don't detect any sarcasm in my writing at all...well, maybe just a little. But you have to realize, when I saw the tools, well, I "thought" he was going to start the benches!)
This is the second year he has taught this class and he loves introducing musical instruments and ethic groups the kids may never had heard before., and help these groups "come to life" with hands-on projects. I guess he makes it more of an "ethnomusicology" class.
Anyway, back to the tools that he wasn't using for my benches.....(nope, no sarcasm here *snicker*). He
did however, cut out 20 or so oval discs with his bandsaw and drilled a hole for a string to go through. He also sanded each one.....they
had better appreciate that part!

The students will decorate their own this week and then head out to the football field where they will be instructed to stand VERY far apart from one another and twirl their instrument!
It is a really cool sound....a high pitched note on "air"! :)

Maybe next weekend can be "bench" weekend??
*Bullroarer~ a musical instrument (aerophone) of the Australian aboriginies, used ceremonially, for communication, and to hunt.~*~*~*~
.....and my offerings that I finished will be updated on the 15th on PG. Here is a little sneak peek.

Thank you for the suggestions in the last post and in emails about what the cat/doll should hold in her hands....I'm going to "try" to make a mouse, the key word being "try"! It may end up looking like a dead one. :-)