This weekend we had beautiful weather in Boise. Since we moved here from Arizona about a year and a half ago, things have not slowed down long enough to do much in the yard except weed control and mowing.
I felt a sense of major accomplishment in AZ when I finally was able to establish an herb garden!! I think it was right after we installed the irrigation system that the herbs started to grow!....hmmmm, all they needed was a little more water? In AZ?? Go figure.
A few weekends ago, I planted a "baby" herb garden...."baby" because it is just the basics: thyme, oregano, yarrow (for color), santolina, and some germander. I also transplanted some lavender from our front yard.
Lavender is one of my favorite fragrances. The lavender bed we inherited is so fragrant.....but I haven't been tending it as I should. Other than cutting stems for vases, I haven't touched it at all. Here is a before and after of my Saturday in the lavender bed!

Another lovely plant..or tree? we aquired when we moved into the house was a long row of lilac trees. They are almost in full bloom and when they are, look beautiful as they line the outside fence. This photo shows one of the trees that is starting to "pop" with color and fragrance! Oh My!!! The fragrance is wonder.....ACHOO!...ful!