We had a pretty, sunny day today (not especially warm, but it was sunny), and the sun made the house bright and cheery. So, it inspired me to take some quick photos of simple vignettes around our living/dining room. Of course, the dust on was brighter too, but hopefully you'll overlook that!
You'll probably see some Patterns (simple backgrounds), Preferences (uh, just about "white" everything! Walls, shelves, furniture, lol) and Passions (shoe forms and old wood!).
Let's start at the front door, or the wall beside the front door.....here I have a spoon rack that used to be painted black (don't worry, nothing I've painted was ever an "antique"!) I painted it white-ish, then distressed and rubbed some antiquing stain on it.

Cute little baby shoe forms, tiny books and old keys placed in the tops of the forms...."just because!" :) Kinda makes them look like wind-up toys.

Now walk on over to the farthest wall where my desk sits....only showing you the top of my desk, 'cause the inside is kinda messy! Oh, and my talented husband made my desk for me. I love the wood stain, so it didn't get painted white! :)

Another shoe last. I love that this one easily holds a few books. I've also used this one as an easel for a small painting.

On that same wall are two tall bookshelves. We've painted our bookshelves, you guessed it, white~ with antiquing and distressing, of course!

More shoe lasts/forms!...See a pattern, or passion? :) And, yes, the books between them touch the top of our ceiling.

Tucked inside one of the shelves is a sheep sitting on some books with wood block letters that spell "BAhave" in front of it. Or, you can flip over the "A" and it becomes an "E" and then is spells "Behave", which is what I SHOULD be spelling at all the time!

Now look to your right and you'll see another painted, distressed and antiqued white shelf....I don't think I used the same "white" paint on any of the pieces, except the large bookshelves, so it all looks different, but the same! lol!

Yes, another one of those shoe thingys!

Hmmm, I'm thinking I would like an old wire birdcage to sit in the empty space on the buffet. I've been hoping to find one at a thrift shop.

And speaking of "finds". Today, I stopped at a fun shop called Good Goods. If you live in the Boise area.....you NEED to visit this shop!
She has SO many fun items...but, I had to "BAhave" myself and I walked out with this...the wood part or frame of an old mantel clock. How fun! I've put it on top of one of the larger bookcases and I plan to paint a little painting or silhouette, etc. for the inside. Oh, and the little wire easel came home with me too and if fits perfectly in the clock frame.

Today is our first day back from Spring Break....back to the books (or computer, since we are enrolled in an online school!) We made a really quick trip to Washington state to visit family over our Spring Break. When we got back and looked through all of our mail...I had a letter from Early American Life:

They were gracious enough to include me in the Artisan Directory for another year. The 2012 Directory will be in the June issue~ so if you aren't a subscriber, please follow the above link to their site and find out more!
Thank you EAL!
Thanks for "vignette viewing" with me!