It might seem like an infestation of Bees over on my TDIPT page this month.
But my bees don't sting and they are really very quiet.
This month I've painted a bee and a beehive in sepia on wood board. The paintings resemble flour sack cloths.....I love the look! It looks "vintage-y", "cottage-y", aged, prim, and rustic with the colors used. Click this link to view the bee paintings: Pear Tree on TDIPT (if you still see some bunnies after 9PM tonight, just refresh your page).


One of the projects on my list for spring is to clean out the garage! Why does that part of the house get SO messy? Every year it needs to be reorganized, well, no "Gutted" so it can be reorganized. This year, I'm sure to have the "help" of our chickens.....they just may need to be penned up while we clean!
My husband and I would like to clean it out to use as a workout room.....I'll post more on that later.
I'm feeling the need to clean out some of my paintings too...so, I invite you to a "Spring Fling" over on My Etsy Shop. Everything is 20% off for two weeks: April 1st- April 15th.
(If you are reading this on March 31st, you can go ahead and use the coupon.)
When you add an item to your cart and are checking out, just type in the code SPRINGFLING in the coupon code box and it will give you a 20% off discount from the item(s). Shipping stays the same,....but, I've reduced some of the items and with the 20% discount, it will be like getting free shipping! :).
If you have any questions, or you aren't signed up to use Etsy....just email me (on the sidebar) and let me know what you would like and I'll give you the discount.
Thanks for stopping by, and here's to a "CLEAN" spring! :)