I did take photos of what I've been working on....but then, life would distract me and I would forget to post. So......,this may be a long one!
Let's start with update day~ which is actually this evening. The artist of TDIPT will be updating their pages for October. I know that Autumn has only begun, and our leaves have not even changed yet, but this month I'm offering Winter/Christmas items! (not to rush the season, but there are only two updates until Christmas...yikes!)
I'm offering two silhouettes that were my submissions to Early American Life magazine for their Holiday Artisan's Directory.

And I can't really explain my fascination with Santa's face....I've painted three different Santa faces in the last two years! Lol!, Oh well, maybe it is his kind eyes and jolly personality? :)
I did remember to take photos along the way, so you can see his progression in the slide show below:
You can visit all three here later this evening: Pear Tree on TDIPT
(just refresh your page if you still see an owl peeking at you!)
Oh, and if you visit my Etsy Shop , you'll find two new offerings. "Owlettes"~ these are cupboard tucks or shelf sitters or just little creatures to keep you company.

Thanks for visiting...and I'll post more later this week. Still have a few new things to show you! Here is a snippet: A magazine feature, a custom portrait, and new watercolor paints to share!